137 miles complete and I testify the last two weeks of my life have been some of the best I’ve ever experienced. Not because it was glamorous or easy — it wasn’t. Not because it was full of food and wine and was breathtakingly beautiful — it was. But because I once I got in over my head with God’s goodness, I chose to stay there. To be comforted, provided for and accompanied by the One who does all three perfectly and faithfully.
There is something about living a life in Christ that inherently overwhelms us because we are all born of the flesh and our flesh is opposite of the Spirit. When we live by the flesh, death is ushered in BUT when we fixate on the Spirit life and peace abounds (Rom 8:6). I can’t think of anything more opposite than that. Each and every moment, we are given the freewill to dive into a life led by the Spirit, out of our own control and therefore, experience just how beautifully and overwhelmingly cared for and loved we in fact are. And when we know we are cared for and loved perfectly, we then can care for and love others out of that which we have received.
I can’t begin to count the number of testimonies collected since I last wrote. I am so grateful for all your support in prayer and checking in. You all are a HUGE encouragement! My knee pain was a gift from the Lord and through it, God teed up my walk to touch and be touched by some of the most spectacular people from all over the world. He afforded me to proclaim the gospel plainly and boldly, tell my testimony more than once a day, pray for healing - both physical and spiritual - give and receive generosity and share tears of brokenness and joy. The best part was with our squad spread out throughout the Camino, we spread Jesus’ love and glory like wildfire to people from the nations all gathered on one long walk. Almost every person I met said, “Oh, I met so and so from your team! They were lovely - so joyful!” Glory be to God that by His grace we walk worthy and in step with the Spirit, bringing life wherever we go! A side note: EVERYONE should do the Camino at least once in their life. I promise you wont regret it!
On the last day, I walked by myself and got downright emotional. With tears running down my face, I praised God for the last 11 months and all that He’s accomplished. And even more so, I praised Him that He is no where near done! I am coming home with a longer path laid out for me than I started with. In His fullness, there is always more — more healing, more questions, more revealing, more transformation, more love, more Spirit, more patience, more hope, more joy, more comfort, more life, more Truth.
I will be back on American soil in two weeks. I am nervous, excited and overwhelmed. I don’t have it all figured out and I am right where He needs to be. Thanks be to God!